Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

Empowering People for Freedom, Wholeness, and Justice (continued)


• No skill will be taught or product produced simply because it is valued by society or likely to produce a profit. All skills and products must be consistent with the aims of justice, peace and wholeness that characterize the kingdom rule of Christ. Skills and modes of production that degrade human dignity and products that promote injustice, inequity, or human misery are not to be considered fitting for development regardless of their acceptance by the society at large. • The aim of development work must not only be to help people obtain and generate resources but also to help them commit to using those resources on behalf of the Kingdom of God. Helping people to obtain education, skills or wealth is ultimately unproductive if these things are not placed at God’s service and the service of others. Good development projects will offer people the opportunity to serve God not only with the profits from their labor but through the work itself. Developers must teach and model that work is an opportunity for service to God (Col. 3.23-24). Each of the points listed above has a section titled “Explanation” and a section titled “Implications.” However, for the paper to be complete one more step is necessary. Every implication must be accompanied by a series of applications . These applications should be created by development workers in the field, and structured for the unique needs of the local situation. • Each local ministry should thoroughly review the “Implications” sections and decide on specific steps which will enable them to apply these principles to their particular development project. • These steps should be developed in a way that involves the people most affected by each development project. In creating these applications, the following guidelines should be followed:

9. The Need for Application

• Once finalized, the application steps should be committed to writing.

• These applications should be regularly taught and reviewed.

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