Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
Introduction to the Module
Greetings, in the strong name of Jesus Christ!
As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are responsible to display in our words and deeds the life of the Kingdom to Come in the midst of our churches, and through our lifestyles and ministries of compassion to others. This module, Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries , highlights the ways in which we as Christian leaders both conceive and practice generosity in the body of Christ and in the world. As leaders of the church in the city, it is critical that we understand the richness of the biblical insights around this subject, as well as explore the possible ways in which we as believers and Christian ministers can demonstrate the love and justice of the Kingdom where we live. The first lesson, Let Justice Roll Down: The Vision and Theology of the Kingdom, focuses on the first word, or prolegomena toward an understanding of doing justice and loving mercy. We will define the structure of the world from a biblical point of view, and assess the different ways in tradition that church/world relationships have been viewed, and highlight a theology of God that can help us understand the critical role that doing justice and loving mercy plays in our kingdom testimony. We will also look carefully at the imago Dei (i.e., the image of God) in Scripture. We will see the uniqueness of humankind, and explore its implications for viewing all individuals, families, peoples, and nations as precious and irreplaceable. Our second lesson, Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: The Urban Congregation , explores the priority of demonstrating justice and mercy in the Church of Christ. As the people of God, we must understand the “home grown” quality of Christian love, and in this lesson we will consider the significance of God’s grace in sustaining ministries of mercy and love, and the implications of experiencing God’s grace in our approaches to justice and mercy. We will observe, too, the practices of justice and mercy in God’s OT community as well as in the Church, God’s kingdom community today. We will also observe the “two-four-six” rules of God’s love and justice through the Church. We will begin by looking at the two objects which can receive God’s justice and mercy, members of the Church and those outside. We will then consider the four channels through which God manifests his love: the family, the Church, care societies, and the state. We will finish our study by looking at six principles which should inform our care-giving as local congregations.
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