Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: The Urban Congregation

Segment 2: The Objects, Channels, and Principles of Fleshing Out God’s Justice and Mercy

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

The Church demonstrates the justice and mercy of God to two interrelated objects of his care: the members of his own covenant community, and those who are outsiders. This includes those in our own marriages and families, as well as those counted as neighbors, strangers, foreigners, and even our enemies. Through individuals and families, local congregations, care communities and organizations, and governmental institutions and agencies God reveals his love and justice in the world. The local church plays a unique role in communicating God’s mercy and love to others. God empowers his people, the Church, to represent the values of his reign (i.e., justice, love, and mercy) and has called them to demonstrate good works for his glory. Our objective for this segment, The Objects, Channels, and Principles of Fleshing Out God’s Justice and Mercy, is to enable you to see that: • The Church seeks to demonstrate the justice and mercy of God to two interrelated objects of his care: the members of his own covenant community, and those who are outsiders. • Believers are called to care for members of their own marriages, families, and extended families, as well as all the members of God’s assembly. We are also called to serve those who do not believe, including those counted as neighbors, strangers, foreigners, and even our enemies. • Through the provident leading of God, we see that four channels of God’s divine justice and mercy are operating today. Individuals and families, local congregations, care communities and organizations, and governmental institutions and agencies all are used by God to display his generosity, justice, and mercy to those in need. • As the outpost of the Kingdom of God in a particular locale, the local church plays a unique role in communicating God’s mercy and love to others. Six principles can inform this care. Each local assembly is called to do good to all people, but especially to those of the household of faith. Each is called to follow the example of Jesus in selfless service, to equip its members for the work of the ministry, to show love and mercy with

Summary of Segment 2


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