Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
4. Rule of thumb: do all the good that you can given your limits and the person’s needs .
a. Ps. 37.3
b. Titus 3.8
c. Heb. 13.16
d. 3 John 1.11
» God’s love and justice is revealed to two objects of his concern and care, his own covenant community, the Church, and those who are outsiders. » Through the family, the body of Christ, care societies, and the state, God channels his mercy and justice in the world.
The following questions were designed to help you review the material in the second video segment. Here we saw the two interrelated objects of God’s care, the members of his own covenant community, and those who are outsiders. As the sovereign God of all, our Lord can elect to use anyone and anything to demonstrate his love and justice. We also saw from Scripture his election of individuals and families, local congregations, care communities and organizations, and governmental institutions and agencies to reveal his love and justice in the world. We also saw the critical role that the local church plays, a unique role, in communicating God’s mercy and love to others. It is significant for you to understand the ways in which God has elected to display the reality of his Kingdom, and the following questions are designed to help you revisit these truths. Be clear and concise in your answers, and where possible, support with Scripture!
Segue 2
Student Questions and Response
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