Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
* In what ways have you experienced the grace of God through the Gospel of Christ, and how has that experience affected your desire to show others the same grace and mercy that you received? * Answer the following question: “the three key ways in which the grace of God has influenced me so far in my walk of discipleship are . . .” * How would you describe your daily relationship to the Holy Spirit’s leading, and your readiness to obey him as he prompts you to engage in acts of mercy, love, and justice? * Are you a member of a local church, and how do you use your gifts and resources to support its efforts to display good works to its members and to those whom it serves? * What is your understanding of the Bible’s teaching about the poor and oppressed? Can you defend the arguments of Scripture regarding the demand to demonstrate justice and mercy within their ranks, to denounce the oppression of the poor, and to treat the vulnerable and hurting with great grace and care? * How do you fulfill the ethic of the Kingdom in your personal life, that is, to love God with all the heart, mind, soul, and strength, and the “second commandment,” to love one’s neighbor as oneself (cf. Deut. 6.4ff. and Lev. 19.18), and to love other disciples even as Jesus loved us (John 13.34-35)? Be specific. * What is your attitude toward caring for those who are outside the Church? Do you make a distinction between those who are poor and deserve help, and those who are needy and don’t? Explain. * Who are the some of the “neighbors, strangers, foreigners, and enemies” in your life that God the Spirit is calling you to love? Be specific. * What is your opinion about the role of governmental institutions and agencies to care for the needs of the hurting and needy? * Do you agree with the idea that some need to be loved conditionally and others unconditionally? How does this line up with the Bible’s teaching about love of neighbor and brother and sister? * Do you feel equipped to serve as a servant and care-giver in your local church situation, whether in leadership or not? What kinds of skills and
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