Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
As mentioned before, perhaps the most significant element in your own successful course of study is your ability to discipline yourself to prepare yourself for the dialogue and investigation that takes place in class. In light of this, you must schedule your time well in order to give your best and most rigorous thinking to the assignments for the upcoming week. Please read carefully the assignments above, and as last week, write a brief summary for them and bring these summaries to class next week (please see the “Reading Completion Sheet” at the end of this lesson). Also, now is the time in your study of this module to begin to think about the specific character of your ministry project . Also, you will want to select one of the passages listed in the course requirements for your passage in the exegetical project . Both of these assignments demand clear preparation and forethought. Don’t procrastinate in determining either your ministry or exegetical project. The sooner you select, the more time you will have to prepare! In this lesson we explored the central truths surrounding the impulse behind our call to demonstrate God’s justice and mercy to others is our own experience of the grace of God through the Gospel of Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the believing community surrenders to Christ, and shows in all of its good works the life of the Kingdom, expressed in our generosity and hospitality to the underserved and vulnerable among us. In our next lesson, we will expand our study to consider the role of the urban church in serving the world. We will reaffirm the two critical truths underlying that service: that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Creator, and that our risen and ascended Lord Jesus is Lord of all. We will explore the ways in ways the Church has sought to respond to that lordship in the world, and will introduce a simple yet effective approach to organize our efforts together as we seek the Lord’s will to minister mercy and justice in our urban neighborhoods.
Other Assignments
Looking Forward to the Next Lesson
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