Evangel Dean Basic Training Manual-English
104 • T he E vangel D ean B asic T raining M anual
D ean E xe rc is e 2 Seeing the Big Picture: Establishing Context
Note: Please use the form available in the training module for this Dean Exercise.
This dean’s exercise is an adaptation of the Evangel School exercise found on pages 79−82 in Ripe for Harvest: A Guidebook for Planting Healthy Churches in the City . After reviewing the Exercise Guidelines and Instructions, please complete with your Evangel Dean Team.
Exercise Instructions
1. Discuss “A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future,” in Ripe for Harvest , pp. 83−86, and “Church Planting Models,” pp. 87−89.
2. Complete a one-page history of your team.
• How our team was formed • Expressions of the church our Evangel School will pursue • Resources available to us • Why does this Dean Team want to host an Evangel School? • Describe the gifts of your Dean Team.
3. Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis for your church plant school.
• Internal Strengths • Internal Weaknesses • External Opportunities • External Threats
4. Over lunch today, please sit with the members of your Dean Team, and discuss answers to the following personal team questions.
a. Where were you born, and what was life like for you growing up?
b. How were you “reborn,” i.e., how did you come to Christ, and what has it been like for you “growing up” spiritually?
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