Evangel Dean Basic Training Manual-English

190 • T he E vangel D ean B asic T raining M anual

books are available for free as downloads at www.ccel.org . Since most of these books have been reprinted by dozens of publishers, only the authors and titles are listed below.

1. The Dark Night of the Soul , by John of the Cross

2. Practice of the Presence of God , by Brother Lawrence

3. A Testament of Devotion , by Thomas Kelly

4. Introduction to the Devout Life , by Francis of Sales

5. The Imitation of Christ , by Thomas a Kempis

6. Confessions , by Augustine

7. Private Devotions, by Lancelot Andrewes

8. Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage , by Jan van Ruysbroeck

9. Amendment of Life , by Richard Rolle

10. The Ascent of Mt. Carmel , by John of the Cross

11. The Ascent of Mt. Zion , by Berdardeno de Laredo

12. Book of Eternal Wisdom , by Henry Suso

13. Centuries of Meditations , by Thomas Traherne

14. Christian Perfection , by Fenelon

15. The Cloud of Unknowing , Anonymous

16. The Goad of Love , by Walter Hilton

17. A Guide to True Peace , by Molinos and others

18. Hymns , by Gerhard Tersteegen

19. Letters of Direction , by de Tourville

20. On the Incarnation , by Athanasius

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