Evangel Dean Basic Training Manual-English

318 • T he E vangel D ean B asic T raining M anual

3) Breakdown List which details what needs to happen for some breakdown the night before the end of the school, as well as at the close of your Evangel School. 4) Packing List if you are hosting the Evangel School at a different location, here are some things to help you as you make your list of what needs to be brought with you to pull of this event. 5) Announcements ideas: as you are putting together the opening welcome and announcements for your school as well as announcements throughout, here are some ideas of things you may want to include. 6) In prepping for the school, we’ve started a basic shopping list of things you may need to purchase for this event. ~ Min x Min: This is a minute by minute schedule that you can edit to fit your schedule for your school. ~ Trifold Schedule Template.docx ~ Communion Liturgy: This is the document for the Lord’s Table Celebrant to follow which has some additional instructions. This lines up with the Communion PowerPoint.

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