Evangel Dean Basic Training Manual-English
62 • T he E vangel D ean B asic T raining M anual
3. Opportunity for encouragement
4. Opportunity for peer learning
E. Chartering and Commissioning Service
1. Assessor Coaches and Deans will need to decide which teams will be chartered prior to commissioning service.
2. Ideally this decision will be made by the end of session four and will be mutual between Team Leader, Assessor Coaches, and Deans.
3. Teams that are not chartered can still participate in ceremony and be commended for courage and hard work.
III. School Structures
A. Evangel School time budget
Time per Event
Total Time
5 Devotionals
45 min each
3 hrs, 45 min
13 Seminars
30 min each
6 hrs, 30 min
8 Exercises
1.5 hrs each
12 hrs
5 Presentations
1 hr
5 hrs
Commissioning Service
1 hr
1 hr
28 hrs, 15 min ≈ 29 hrs
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