Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

C hapter 4: T he C ampaign • 23

II. Our Strategic Commitments Are Fundamental (i.e. DNA), not Merely Methodological

A. As in families, parents birth children, raise them in their homes, and prepare them to be parents. They bear our name and character. They share our biology and nurture. This shows the intimacy needed to create and sustain a church-planting movement. B. We believe that authentic spirituality will give birth to authentic spirituality, i.e., who we are as church planters and disciples will inevitably be reproduced in our converts and new assemblies. We expect, therefore, that the congregations that we plant will share the same love for Christ as our chartered church plant teams, embracing the same mission, vision, doctrine, and spiritual disciplines which we cherish and embody. We reproduce after kind, and see no distinction between the spiritual formation of the new congregation and that of the sent team.

C. Our DNA is self-death; the cost of discipleship

III. Our Relational Connection

Evangel will identify, equip, and release charismatic indigenous leaders who are called by the Spirit to spawn and spearhead new movements of church planting among the poorest of the poor. We will provide them with the resources, consultation, and collaboration that will enable these movements to multiply as many healthy churches among the unreached as quickly as possible.

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