Evangel, That None Should Perish, Second Edition

C hapt er 6 Joint Operations


Joint Operations / joint op-uh- rey -shuhns /. Joint warfare is in essence a form of combined arms warfare on a larger, national scale, in which complementary forces from a state’s army, navy, air, and special forces are meant to work together in joint operations, rather than planning and executing military operations separate from each other. Evangel works aggressively and intentionally to enter into joint efforts of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among the urban poor with those who adhere to our Theological Confession , our Strategic Commitment and our Standard Practices . We will function under the banner of One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism in personal service, prayer, resources for the mission (evangelize, disciple, plant churches), exchange of views, and the use of technical services. It’s been said that the secret of war lies in the communications. Evangel will be a conduit of communication through social media and the website to the domestic and global Evangel members for prayer and information dissemination.


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