Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition
Introduction •
have just learned, and be open to letting the Spirit change the way in which you understand the different issues you will encounter in the lessons. Connection. This section focuses on your application and actualization (“acting upon”) of the truths of the lesson. You must connect what you learn with the ways in which you think, speak, conduct yourself, and relate to others. Therefore, look for possible ways to link what you are learning to your personal life in this section. Affirmation. This concise section includes a truth drawn from the materials in the lesson that we can and should confess and affirm throughout the week. Prayer. We include a prayer from a key figure in the Church, to give you a sense of the kinds of petitions and prayers that have been offered connected with our lesson themes throughout church history. Heart Cry to the Lord. This is a prayer that you should pray at the end of the lesson. Prayers can be offered in many forms; they can be drafted and written, like those of the Psalms in the Bible, or given spontaneously. These prayers help us to ask the Lord for the particular grace we need to receive and embody the truths he has taught us in this lesson. They are prayers of humility, supplication, and confidence. Pray them, silently and out loud, as the Spirit leads you. For More Study. These items are suggestions for you if you desire to learn more on the subject covered in a lesson. For the Next Session. These items preview the subjects and themes of the next lesson in the series, and offer you a nice, concise look at what’s ahead in the next session. Scripture Memory. We strongly believe that if we hide the Word (memorize it) in our hearts, we will not sin against the Lord (Ps. 119.11). Knowing the Word by heart is an effective encouragement of the heart, and a ready resource against the lies of the enemy. Therefore, each lesson will contain a single memory verse, so you can commit to memory at least one biblical text that can remind you of the truth you learned, and aid you in your walk during the week and the weeks to come. Assignments. This final section contains specific “take aways” and tasks for you to do as you complete the lesson. These are meant to be helpful and practical. If you will act on these assignments, take them seriously, and strive to do them thoroughly and excellently, your learning of the material will multiply greatly. They are designed to help you grow up in Christ, informed by the light of the lesson you just studied. So, please, complete
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