Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

 • Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama

b. Read Psalm 18.31-48. Name three ways in which the Lord prepares his spiritual soldier to resist the tactics of the enemy. i. ii. iii. c. Read Ps. 144.1-10. How does the Lord teach us to fight the “enemies,” i.e., the lies and falsehoods we face each day?

6. The spiritual soldier must take up God’s armor, and must cleanse himself or herself from all that hinders them from following him. Read 1 Timothy 6.11-16. What should you pursue in order to fight the good fight of faith?

7. Sin undermines our effectiveness in warfare, and can cause us to give up. Yet, if we sin, God has provided us with an advocate who represents us before the Father. Read 1 John 2.1-2. If we sin, who is our advocate, speaking in our defense? 8. No matter how difficult and discouraging the battle against sin may become, the love of God guarantees that we can be victorious in the end. Read Romans 8.28-39. Fill in the blanks. a. All things work together for ___________________ for those called according to his _______________________ (v. 28). b. If God is for us who can be _________________________ us (v. 31)? c. Who can separate us from the ________________ of Christ (v. 35)? d. In all these things we are more than ___________________________ through him who loved us (v. 37). e. List all the things that are powerless to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus our Lord (vv. 38-39).

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