Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

Lesson : The Equipment We Use • 

1. The enemy lies to us so we need to re-affirm the truth. Make a list in your journal of all the lies the enemy has told you recently: lies about your salvation, lies about God, lies about you, lies about others. Write out why these lies are untrue. Seek to find Scriptures which contradict these lies, expressing God’s true claims about those areas. 2. Another way to fight the good fight of faith is through the discipline of confession. Take 10 minutes to pray, asking God to show any sinful way in you that you need to confess to God. After asking, be quiet and listen. If he brings sins to mind, simply agree with God and don’t make excuses. Then receive his mercy and forgiveness, given by the shed blood of Christ. 3. Find a mature Christian and ask about their experience in confession and receiving forgiveness. Confess your sins to him/her and ask for words and prayers of forgiveness and healing from the brother/sister in Christ.


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