Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition
This book is written in honor of Those who disciple and mentor new and growing believers . . . To the pastors, teachers, mentors, spiritual directors, and disciplers – all those who offer spiritual watch-care and friendship to these dear saints, whose desire is constantly to strengthen and build up Christ’s followers and whose efforts to love, comfort, instruct, and strengthen them is being used by the Holy Spirit worldwide – We celebrate God’s grace as they employ their gifts to raise up
a new generation of spiritually qualified laborers to honor the Lord Jesus and to advance his Kingdom. • • • To my Fairmount Park Daybreak Crew of years ago that believed in the power of investing in young urban leaders like myself for the Kingdom. ~ Don Davis
• • • To Shirley Isaac, my 6th grade classmate who introduced me to Jesus and the gospel, and to Theron Friberg, my high school church youth leader, who passed on his love for the Bible and taught me to walk in the Spirit. ~ Don Allsman
• • • And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. ~ 2 Timothy 2.2 (ESV)
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