Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition
Lesson : The Enlistment We Make •
b. List three things Paul says about how we are righteous before God. i. ii. iii.
c. How then are we justified (declared righteous) before God without obedience to the Law?
6. We are born again to new life by believing in Jesus Christ . Read John 3.1-21. a. Why is it needful that one be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God? b. Jesus referred to an Old Testament story in Numbers chapter 21 to help Nicodemus understand how Jesus would die for the sake of humankind on the cross. What symbol was mentioned in the story, and what did the people need to do to be healed? How did Jesus use the story in teaching Nicodemus (cf. v. 15)? c. Fill in the blanks (vv. 14-17). i. The Son of Man must be lifted up so________________________ _______________________________________________________.
ii. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that__________ _______________________________________________________.
iii. God did not send his Son to __________________ the world but in order that the world might be __________________________.
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