Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition
Lesson : The Entrance We Get •
The Entrance We Get Lesson 3 Bible Study Read the following Scriptures and answer briefly the questions associated with each biblical teaching. 1. Through the resurrection of Jesus, God has granted to us a living hope,
and the promise of eternal life. Read 1 Peter 1.3-12. a. List at least three blessings you have in Christ. i. ii. iii.
b. What are the results when we suffer grief in trials (vv. 6-7)?
c. Even though we do not see the Lord physically present among us now, how do we still understand our salvation in him (vv. 8-12)?
2. Jesus is the Living Stone, and we who believe are the chosen people of God. Read 1 Peter 2.4-10. a. Since we are a holy priesthood in Christ, what work has God given us to do (vv. 4-5)?
b. List four things that are true of us, the people of God. i. ii. iii. iv.
3. Through our trust in Christ, and our baptism into him, we have been joined with Jesus – in his death, burial, resurrection – and now, in his new life.
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