Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition
• Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama
the basics of the Christian faith and walk. Here are the lesson titles, and a brief description of each lesson. Lesson 1 is entitled T he Epic We Find Ourselves In: Joining Our Story with the Story of God . This lesson helps you know that the God of the universe, the Lord God Almighty, is the one, true, and everlasting God, existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He created all things, visible and invisible, and made human beings in his own image. This lesson dis cusses the rebellion of Satan and the first human pair, Adam and Eve, and how through their disobedience all creation was cursed. God, however, gives us a promise of a Savior who would overcome evil and win everything back for God’s glory. Lesson 2 , The Enlistment We Make: Accepting Our Role in the Cosmic Conflict of the Ages , discusses how Jesus of Nazareth defeated the devil and set us free from the Curse through his sinless life and dying in our place. Now through repentance (turning to God from our sins) and faith (believing the truth concerning the work of Jesus), we enter God’s Kingdom. He saves us by his grace, we are baptized into the Body of Christ, and we are given the Holy Spirit to help us in our Christian life. Lesson 3 , The Entrance We Get: Linking Our Life with the Life of God in Christ , teaches you how you are joined to Jesus by faith (i.e., we are now “in Christ”). Because of this union, you receive and experience all that Jesus is and provides. Through God’s Spirit, we become members of his household, with Jesus Christ as its cornerstone, and the apostles and prophets as its foundation. Every local assembly of believers functions as an embassy of God’s Kingdom, representing the interests of heaven itself. We believers serve as ambassadors and agents of that Kingdom. Lesson 4 is entitled The Endowment We Receive: The Holy Spirit’s Role in the Good Fight of Faith . This lesson highlights how the Holy Spirit indwells every believer, granting to each one gifts to serve the church. We are free in Christ to exercise our gifts among other believers, as the Holy Spirit provides the opportunity, direction, and strength. We grow together as every believer serves the fellowship in unity and love. In Lesson 5 , The Excellence We Show: Living as Saints of God and Ambassadors of Christ in This World , we see that we are called to imitate God, as his own dearly loved children. We have been made God’s saints (holy ones) in Christ, and are to represent God before others as his own holy, thankful people. We are also called as his ambassadors, to share the Good News of salvation with our friends, families, and neighbors, and do good works of love, works for Christ, in service to others.
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