Fight the Good Fight of Faith, English Edition

 • Fight the Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God’s Unfolding Drama

divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2.15). Please instruct and teach me in the way I should go (Psalm 32.8), and direct my steps. Incline my ear to hear your voice, and correct me now in the way I think and speak, and lead me when I have gone astray. Father, grant me the gift of discernment, and enable me as I study to know the difference between godly and ungodly teachings, spirits, and gifts. Show me by the Holy Spirit what your will is, and give me insight into how I can carry out your intentions with my whole heart. Dear Lord, please help me to be quick to hear and listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1.19). Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Allow me to speak your truth with wisdom in order that all with whom I speak may understand and benefit by your truth. Teach me now in this study as I receive your Word and instruction. I ask for these things in the strong name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior, amen. had awful experiences with others in them. Whatever the problems might have been – unforgiveness, grumbling and jealously, misunder standing and personal hurt – they have been “turned off” to the prospect of going to another fellowship, and starting afresh in a new situation. Based on what you know right now, how would you advise a new believer about his or her attending a congregation to grow in Christ, especially if you learned that they had faced a horrible experience in another church? 2. “I can’t believe that the Bible is one continuous Story about God’s rescue of his creation and humankind! Man, what a loving God we serve!” You may know that the Bible is divided into two Testaments (the Hebrew Scriptures, 39 books, Genesis to Malachi), and the Christian New Testament (Matthew through Revelation, 27 books). What you might not be aware of is that although the Bible is a library of books, it is actually only a single, unfolding Story, one great drama that tells the tale of God’s love for his creation and for humankind. It is only because of God’s great love and commitment to his universe that we could be saved. In this respect, Christianity differs from virtually every other religion. Actually, religions tend to focus on practices, beliefs, or dogmas that people must follow in order to attain to a state of perfection, get a blessing, be transformed, or get protection. Christianity, on the other hand, is God giving salvation to humankind even though they don’t 1. “Because of bad experiences I’ve had before, I just can’t go to a church.” Unfortunately, many people have attended churches and have


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