First Christian Voices: Practices of the Apostolic Fathers


First Christian Voices

and the Son of God—listening to the bishop and the elders with an undivided mind, breaking one and the same bread, which is the medicine of immortality and the antidote to prevent us from dying and to live forever in Jesus Christ. I gnatius to the T rallians 7–8: Be on your guard, therefore, against such persons. And you will be, if you are not puffed up and remain in intimate union with Jesus Christ our God, and the bishop, and the instructions of the apostles. The one who is within the altar is pure, but the one who is without is not pure; that is, the one who conducts activities apart from the bishop, elders, and deacons. Such a person is not pure in his conscience. Not that I know there is anything of this kind going on among you. Instead, I put you on guard because I love you greatly and anticipate the snares of the devil. As a result, clothe yourselves with meekness. Be renewed in faith— that is the flesh of the Lord—and in love—that is the blood of Jesus Christ. Let none of you cherish any grudge against his neighbor. Give no opportunity for the Gentiles to slander God’s congregation because of a few foolish people. For, “Woe to him by whose narcissism my name is blasphemed among any” ( Isa 52:5 ). I gnatius to the P hiladelphians S alutation : I greet you in the blood of Jesus Christ who is our eternal and enduring joy, especially when in unity with the bishop, the elders, and the deacons who have been appointed according to the mind of Jesus Christ, whom He established according His own will and in the confidence of His Holy Spirit. I gnatius to the P hiladelphians 8 a : Therefore, I performed my role as one devoted to unity. For where there is division

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