First Christian Voices: Practices of the Apostolic Fathers


First Christian Voices

church by insisting that the church unify around God’s will. In the twenty-first century the church seems just as divided, so this chapter is particularly relevant as the Apostolic Fathers share about the root and destructive nature of division. “For,” as the writers of 1 Clement warn, “[God’s judgment] will happen if we fail to conduct ourselves worthily of Him and do the things that are good and pleasing before Him, in harmony” (1 Clement 21). Yet division was not the only enemy of the early church. The Apostolic Fathers testify to one who was equally destructive. They refer to him by many names: Prince of the World, Evil One, Wicked One, Dark One, Satan, Adversary, and Devil. They were very aware of his activities, including the influence of evil angels who led people into the way of darkness. These two topics conclude our exploration of the Apostolic Fathers: divisions and the demonic. As we will see in this chapter, the Apostolic Fathers teach us how destructive both are and warn us that the Holy Spirit uncovers secrets. He knows our hearts and He knows the human penchant for division. The Devil also knows this weakness, and will take advantage of us if we are not careful.

W arnings A gainst D ivision

The Holy Spirit Warns Against Division I gnatius to the P hiladelphians 6 b –7: Now I thank my God that I have a clear conscience in regard to you, and that no one can claim, either privately or publicly, that I have burdened anyone either in much or in little. Furthermore,

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