First Christian Voices: Practices of the Apostolic Fathers
First Christian Voices
to those that puff me up. For those speaking to me afflict me. For I do indeed desire to suffer, but I do not know if I am worthy to do so. For this envy, though it is not obvious to many, all the more violently attacks me. I therefore have need for humility, by which the Prince of this world is brought to nothing. I gnatius to the R omans 7–8: The Prince of this world would wish to carry me away and corrupt my godly character. Therefore, let none of you who are present help him. Rather, you be on my side, that is, on the side of God. Do not speak of Jesus Christ and yet set your desires on the world. Do not let jealousy reside among you. When I am present with you, do not be persuaded to listen to me if I say otherwise. Rather listen to those things which I now write to you. For though I am alive while I write to you, yet I am eager to die. My love has been crucified and there is no fire in me desiring to be quenched. However, there is a water within me that lives and speaks saying to me inwardly, “Come to the Father.” I have no delight in corruptible food, nor in the pleasures of this life. I desire the bread of God, the heavenly bread, the bread of life, which is the flesh of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is from the seed of David and Abraham. I desire the drink of God, namely His blood which is incorruptible love and eternal life. I no longer wish to live according to human values, and my desire will be fulfilled if you consent. Be willing, then, so that you also may have your desires fulfilled. I implore you in this brief letter, trust me! Jesus Christ will reveal that I speak truly. He is the true mouth by which the Father has genuinely spoken. Pray for me, that I may succeed. I
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