First Christian Voices: Practices of the Apostolic Fathers
Chapter 3 God the Son
Chapter Summary We know today that Jesus is undoubtedly the most influential person to have ever walked the earth. Yet, there are still approximately three billion people who do not have access to knowing about Him. Even in places where the stories about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection have been told for centuries, many still do not clearly understand who He is and what He means to them. No matter if you have gone to church your entire life or you are new to the Christian faith, a proper understanding of God the Son is important for our ongoing maturity as His followers. In this chapter, we will see how the Apostolic Fathers stress the fact that Jesus is God. Moreover, we will see how they emphasized that those who do not believe Jesus came in the flesh, suffered under Pontius Pilate, died, was buried, and rose again are the antichrist. This was a growing
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