First Christian Voices: Practices of the Apostolic Fathers

Chapter 3: God the Son


For who being rightly taught and effected by the loving Word would not seek to learn accurately the things which have been clearly shown by the Word to disciples? To them the Word appeared and has revealed to them plainly, although He was not understood by the unbelieving. He explained these things to the disciples who He esteemed faithful and they acquired a knowledge of the mysteries of the Father. For this reason, He sent the Word that He might be revealed to the world. And when He was dishonored by the people, He was then preached by the apostles and believed on by the Gentiles. This is He who was from the beginning, who appeared as if new, and was found old, and yet who is ever born afresh in the hearts of the saints. This is He who, being from everlasting, is today called the Son. Through Him the church is enriched and grace is widely spread and increases in the saints. This grace is given to provide understanding, reveal mysteries, announce seasons, rejoice over the faithful. It gives to those who seek, those who do not break the pledge of faith, nor the boundaries set by the Fathers. Then the fear of the law is sung, and the grace of the prophets is known, and the faith of the Gospels is established, and the tradition of the apostles is preserved, and the grace of the church glories. By this grace, if you do not grieve it, you will know those things which the Word teaches, through whom He wills and when He pleases. For whatever things we are moved to speak by the will of the Word commanding us, we communicate to you with difficulty as well as from a love for the things that have been revealed to us.

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