Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar

114 Fit to Represent: Vision for Discipleship Seminar ▪

The Call to Holiness Comparison of Disciplined and Undisciplined Lifestyles Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

Harnessing Your Gifts, Abilities, Resources, and Opportunities for God

Disciplining Oneself for the Purpose of Godliness

Giving in to Whim, Moods, Inclinations

Areas of Discipline

Spiritual Disciplines (Scripture memorization, prayer, meditation, fasting, church life, Bible study, etc.)

Faithful, persistent attention given to spiritual development and growth

Irregular attention to spiritual exercises

Rigorous subordination of appetites to coincide with the will of God Aware of emotions and moods, but not controlled by them

Allowed to roam wherever they go

Appetites and drives

Tendency to give in to emotional winds and the moods of the moment

Emotional health and moods

Relates time to goals and priorities within a framework to accomplish one's work Uses money and resources as on loan from the Lord for his purpose Uses words carefully to tell the truth and edify the person who hears them Treats all persons appropriately with absolute purity as the standard

Functions by whim and mood

Use and delegation of time

Waste, stinginess, and run-down property

Stewardship of money and property

Says anything to anybody at any time without any seeming limits Willing to compromise in areas for the sake of self-indulgence Feasts and focuses the mind on various levels of unclean and ungodly materials, ideas



Thought life and mental health

Concentrates on things noble, true, good, beautiful

Treats body as God's temple

Treats body as dilapidated shack

Physical exercise and diet

Is a pain to work with and lead

Submission to leaders

Is a pleasure to lead

Nurtures a fighting spirit to battle the lusts of the flesh

Tends to think that “this is just the way I am”

Overcoming bad habits

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