Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar

Where Do We Go from Here? ▪ 21

5. Hosting retreats or events (Events): WI allocating staff and resources host events that find, equip, or release indigenous leaders; where evangelism takes place, urban churches are edified, or other strategies are developed (e.g. partnerships are found; UCAs emerge; WIAs are found). 6. Developing TUMI satellites (TUMI sites): WI staff helping ministries train their urban leaders to be more effective in understanding, defending, and articulating the Great Tradition of the faith. For the nine WI TUMI sites, WI staff recruits and trains students at their satellite. 7. Producing resources for urban churches (TUMI Resources): TUMI staff developing additional resources to meet the felt-needs of urban churches and urban missionaries so that local churches in theology, worship, discipleship, and witness. 8. Launching SIAFU chapters (the SIAFU Network): WI staff encouraging the establishment of SIAFU chapters that create a place of friendship and support, edifies urban congregations, and facilitates incorporation of former inmates into the local church.

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