Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar
Fit to Represent: The Purpose of the Vision for Discipleship Seminar An Overview of Why We Are Here Three years ago, World Impact acknowledged that as an organization it was on the verge of a spiritual explosion. During its celebration of its 40th anniversary, it affirmed both the peril of the current condition of America’s urban blighted neighborhoods, and the unbelievable promise we have to evangelize, disciple, and plant churches among the neediest and least-loved communities in America and the world. This recognition of the peril and the promise of the urban communities of the world called for a new focus, emphasis, and thrust into pioneer missions, all based on a single, simple plan: raise up a new generation of urban leaders who can effectively reach and transform America’s inner cities through dynamic church planting movements. During the month of October 2010, Dr. Keith Phillips, then president of World Impact, issued a challenge to our entire family of board members, executives, directors, staff, donors, and volunteers which highlighted and underscored the significance of this new focus on developing urban leaders. Suggesting the importance of this focus, he acknowledged that although the American Church did not believe that the inner cities were salvageable, God still wanted to win the city, to transform and bring revival to the city, and that he would do this by raising up from among city folk an army of indigenous leaders who could, under the Spirit’s direction, take the cities by storm. He called us to affirm the Holy Spirit’s work – he is calling indigenous Christian leaders from among the unreached urban communities, from among the neediest and most neglected neighborhoods to finish the Great Commission in our time. From the time of the issuance of that broad and exciting call to raise up an army of indigenous leaders, TUMI has sought to redouble its efforts to provide quality encouragement and challenge to select and charismatic (Spirit-gifted) leaders to join us in advancing the Kingdom in America’s cities. This Vision for Discipleship Seminar is the result of that innovation, our organizational response to the clarion call to mission affirmed three years ago. We gather here for this brief period to acknowledge your importance in this mission. Over the next months we intend to invite a select group of men and women to come and be exposed to the growing movement whose vision burns for urban evangelism, effective discipleship, church planting, and urban mission. You are here because we believe that you could be an officer, a front-line soldier in this mighty army that God is bringing together from New York to Los Angeles, from Seattle to Miami. Over the next few hours we will discuss, debate, dialogue, and engage
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