Fit to Represent, Vision for Discipleship Seminar

Appendix II: Discipleship and Structure ▪ 93

Principles of Spiritual Growth

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

1. Spirituality is first concerned with the realm of the spirit, especially to the Holy Spirit, and then through what we know, believe, feel, and choose as individuals and in relationship with others (1 Cor. 2.9-16).

2. Spirituality is not perceived firsthand, but is rather revealed through the words, conduct, and actions of our personal lives (Matt. 7.15-20; 12.33-37).

3. Spirituality is fundamentally concerned with the shaping of one’s life vision - how we interpret and evaluate reality. The perceptions we form, believe in, and rely on in our minds and spirits help to cause our emotions, determine our decisions, affect our behavior, and circumscribe our relationships (John 8.31-32; Heb. 11.6). 4. To grow up in Christ, then, is to know and walk boldly in the mind of Christ, directing our personal growth efforts toward becoming more aware of our personal vision, challenging the lies that contradict his Word, and speaking and acting consistently with what Scripture affirms and denies (2 Tim. 3.16-17; 2 Cor. 10.3-5).

Areas of Spiritual Vision

• The Way Things WERE • The Way Things ARE • The Way Things WILL BE • The MEANING and VALUE of Things • The Way Things SHOULD BE

The Areas of Ultimate Concern

Self - Others - Life - World - God

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