Focus on Reproduction, Mentor's Guide, MG12
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The Lord Jesus Christ has given his people the commission to go and make disciples among all peoples of the earth (Matt. 28.18-20). Anchored in his authority and empowered by his Holy Spirit, we are called to evangelize the lost, equip disciples to obey his commands, and empower the Church to be agents of the Kingdom across the globe. We are given the high calling to go into communities and plant churches that will represent his interests and authorities in their own communities as outposts of the Kingdom of God. In this module we have carefully outlined that process from beginning to end using the PLANT acrostic. As we Evangelize a community we Prepare as a team to go and share the Good News in a specific the field, and Launch our initiatives into the field as the Lord leads. We Equip those believers who respond favorably to the Gospel, Assembling them together in Christian community and Nurturing them through follow-up and discipleship. Finally, we Empower the new congregation to represent Christ as his Church as we Transition and transfer the leadership from the hands of the missionaries to those leaders charged with the responsibility to protect and care for the church, and ensure its ongoing growth and reproduction. In this lesson we examined the role of investing in godly leaders who can provide solid Christian leadership and oversight of the church as we prepare to transfer authority into their hands. In order to empower the church and transition towards its independence, we must invest as much as we possibly can into a leadership team of the church in order that they may have the commissioning (authority), character, competence, and community (membership support) necessary to ensure a healthy, dynamic church. We looked at the kind of churches which God can use to serve as congregations where the broken, despised, and hurting can find refuge, where the Word of God is preached and lived, and where the hope of Christ’s return is celebrated and expressed in obedience and love. Our sincere prayer for you in your studies of these truths is that the Holy Spirit, the Fire and Light given to us by the Lord to do his work, will lead and bless you as you go in obedience to Christ’s command to plant churches throughout the cities of America and world. May the Lord bless you and keep you as you give your all for his best, seeking in every way to fulfill the Great Commission in the city where you are.
The Last Word about this Module
Amen and amen!
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