Focus on Reproduction, Mentor's Guide, MG12
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Our ministry before the Lord is a stewardship in God’s oikos.
The dominance of the household concept in Paul’s thought also influenced his perception of the ministry and the minister. Paul’s ministry thus comes under the category of “stewardship” ( oikonomia , 1 Cor. 9.17; Col. 1.25), that is, a task entrusted by the master to a member of the household. The one who receives this trust, the minister, is called a “steward” ( oikonomos , 1 Cor. 4.1, 2; Titus 1.7). Such a description emphasizes the need for faithful execution of duties and accountability to the master.
~Gerald F. Hawthorne. Dictionary of Paul and His Letters . (electronic ed.). Logos Library Systems. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1997. p. 418.
Now is the time to relate these insights to your work in ministry, especially as you can connect your own ministry to the dynamism of the oikos principle. Focus now on the implications of this teaching on your walk with the Lord, and specifically, in the ministry that the Lord has granted to you in your family, at your church, and on your job. In surveying all the key concepts you have covered dealing with the oikos principle of household evangelism, what specifically is the Holy Spirit suggesting to you about your application of them in your life and ministry? What new insight does he want you to meditate upon this week as you ponder your own web of common kinship relationships, friendships, and associations that make up your larger social circle? Is there someone to speak with or something to accomplish as a result of God’s conviction in your heart? How might you help these truths come alive in the ministries and relationships you have in your own personal outreach. Search your heart and mind for the promptings of the Lord, the Spirit, and ask for his direction about any particular situation he wants you to address, respond to, and change. The most natural act when we experience the dramatic power of Christ in our lives is to go and tell our brothers and friends, even as Andrew and Phillip did in the case of our Lord Jesus (cf. John 1.41-45). Seek the face of God regarding your own oikos web of relationships, and whether or not there is someone in that web the Lord would have you share the message of the Kingdom with. Do not seek to coerce the Lord; listen to him, be open to his leading, through the Word and your leaders, and respond as he provides occasion and opportunity. Make sure that you spend good time in prayerful intercession for other students, and encourage them to pray for
Ministry Connections
Counseling and Prayer
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