Focus on Reproduction, Student Workbook, SW12

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The following questions were designed to help you review the material in the second video segment. The Great Commission of the Lord Jesus means that we are called to go to all nations making disciples in his name. We fulfill the Great Commission as we plant healthy, viable churches among the various people groups of the world. We accomplish this through Evangelizing , Equipping , and Empowering . Your ability to understand and apply these principles can be all the difference in ministering effectively in urban poor communities, so your ability to understand and articulate them is important. Answer the questions thoroughly, and always support your thinking with Scripture. 1. Why can it be said that “evangelism is the centerpiece of all Christian mission and outreach?” Why is merely demonstrating the Gospel in good deeds not entirely sufficient to kingdom ministry? 2. What role did signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit play in the ministry of the apostles in testifying to the grace of God? What role can or should they play in our work today in the city? 3. What precisely is the Gospel that we are called to bear witness to in our ministry? How did your lesson summarize the church planting process through the acrostic PLANT? What do the letters refer to? 4. What is the definition of the “Prepare” step of church planting in the Evangelism stage? Correspondingly, what is the meaning of the “Launch” phase of church planting in the Evangelism stage? What is included in each, and what are the kinds of activities associated with each of these stages? 5. Why is equipping new Christians in the faith such a critical step in all true disciple making? What role does the local church play in the discipling of the new convert to Christ? What are the keys to equipping believers to live the Christian life? 6. Explain the “Assemble” and “Nurture” phases of church planting in urban ministry, and correlate how these phases enables us to Equip new believers to grow in Christ. How are they the same, how do they differ, and what is involved in each? 7. Why is it important for churches to constantly seek to reproduce themselves through continued evangelism and equipping of others? What is the relationship between spiritual health and spiritual fruit?

Segue 2

Student Questions and Response


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