Foundations of Christian Leadership, Student Workbook, SW07
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A P P E N D I X 7
Summary Outline of the Scriptures Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
1. GENESIS - Beginnings a. Adam b. Noah c. Abraham
12. 2 KINGS- Divided Kingdom a. Elisha b. Israel (N. Kingdom falls) c. Judah (S. Kingdom falls) 13. 1 CHRONICLES - David’s Temple Arrangements a. Genealogies b. End of Saul’s reign c. Reign of David d. Temple preparations 14. 2 CHRONICLES - Temple and Worship Abandoned a. Solomon b. Kings of Judah 15. EZRA - The Minority (Remnant) a. First return from exile - Zerubbabel b. Second return from exile - Ezra (priest) 16. NEHEMIAH - Rebuilding by Faith a. Rebuild walls b. Revival c. Religious reform 18. JOB - Why the Righteous Suffer a. Godly Job b. Satan’s attack c. Four philosophical friends d. God lives 19. PSALMS - Prayer and Praise a. Prayers of David b. Godly suffer; deliverance c. God deals with Israel d. Suffering of God’s people - end with the Lord’s reign e. The Word of God (Messiah’s suffering and glorious return) 17. ESTHER - Female Savior a. Esther b. Haman c. Mordecai d. Deliverance: Feast of Purim
23. ISAIAH - The Justice (Judgment) and Grace (Comfort) of God a. Prophecies of punishment b. History c. Prophecies of blessing 24. JEREMIAH - Judah’s Sin Leads to Babylonian Captivity a. Jeremiah’s call; empowered b. Judah condemned; predicted Babylonian captivity c. Restoration promised d. Prophesied judgment inflicted e. Prophesies against Gentiles f. Summary of Judah’s captivity 25. LAMENTATIONS - Lament over Jerusalem a. Affliction of Jerusalem b. Destroyed because of sin c. The prophet’s suffering d. Present desolation versus past splendor e. Appeal to God for mercy 26. EZEKIEL - Israel’s Captivity and Restoration a. Judgment on Judah and Jerusalem b. Judgment on Gentile nations c. Israel restored; Jerusalem’s future glory 27. DANIEL - The Time of the Gentiles a. History; Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Daniel b. Prophecy
32. JONAH - Gentile Salvation a. Jonah disobeys b. Other suffer c. Jonah punished d. Jonah obeys; thousands saved
d. Isaac e. Jacob f. Joseph
e. Jonah displeased, no love for souls
2. EXODUS - Redemption, (out of) a. Slavery b. Deliverance c. Law d. Tabernacle 3. LEVITICUS - Worship and Fellowship a. Offerings, sacrifices b. Priests c. Feasts, festivals
33. MICAH - Israel’s Sins, Judgment, and Restoration a. Sin and judgment b. Grace and future restoration c. Appeal and petition 34. NAHUM - Nineveh Condemned a. God hates sin b. Nineveh’s doom prophesied c. Reasons for doom 35. HABAKKUK - The Just Shall Live by Faith a. Complaint of Judah’s unjudged sin b. Chaldeans will punish c. Complaint of Chaldeans’ wickedness d. Punishment promised e. Prayer for revival; faith in God 36. ZEPHANIAH - Babylonian Invasion Prefigures the Day of the Lord a. Judgment on Judah foreshadows the Great Day of the Lord b. Judgment on Jerusalem and neighbors foreshadows final judgment of all nations c. Israel restored after judgments
4. NUMBERS - Service and Walk a. Organized b. Wanderings
5. DEUTERONOMY - Obedience
a. Moses reviews history and law b. Civil and social laws c. Palestinian Covenant d. Moses’ blessing and death
6. JOSHUA - Redemption (into) a. Conquer the land b. Divide up the land c. Joshua’s farewell
7. JUDGES - God’s Deliverance
a. Disobedience and judgment b. Israel’s twelve judges c. Lawless conditions
8. RUTH - Love
28. HOSEA - Unfaithfulness a. Unfaithfulness
a. Ruth chooses b. Ruth works c. Ruth waits d. Ruth rewarded
b. Punishment c. Restoration
37. HAGGAI - Rebuild the Temple a. Negligence b. Courage
29. JOEL - The Day of the Lord a. Locust plague
9. 1 SAMUEL - Kings, Priestly Perspective a. Eli b. Samuel c. Saul d. David
b. Events of the future day of the Lord c. Order of the future day of the Lord
c. Separation d. Judgment
20. PROVERBS - Wisdom a. Wisdom versus folly b. Solomon c. Solomon - Hezekiah d. Agur e. Lemuel 21. ECCLESIASTES - Vanity a. Experimentation b. Observation c. Consideration
38. ZECHARIAH - Two Comings of Christ
30. AMOS - God Judges Sin a. Neighbors judged b. Israel judged
10. 2 SAMUEL - David a. King of Judah
a. Zechariah’s vision b. Bethel’s question;
(9 years - Hebron)
Jehovah’s answer c. Nation’s downfall and salvation
c. Visions of future judgment d. Israel’s past judgment blessings
b. King of all Israel
(33 years - Jerusalem)
11. 1 KINGS - Solomon’s Glory, Kingdom’s Decline a. Solomon’s glory
39. MALACHI - Neglect a. The priest’s sins b. The people’s sins c. The faithful few
31. OBADIAH - Edom’s Destruction a. Destruction prophesied b. Reasons for destruction c. Israel’s future blessing
b. Kingdom’s decline c. Elijah the prophet
22. SONG OF SOLOMON - Love Story
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