Generating Kingdom Momentum

Table of Contents3
Welcome Letter7
Generating Kingdom Momentum: How Evangel Dean Catalysts Can Multiply Churches around the World9
Appendix 1 - The Nicene Creed with Biblical Support15
Appendix 2 - World Impact’s Mission Statementand Global Ends Statement17
Appendix 3 - Representing God:Living as an Emissary of the Most High19
Appendix 4 - Representin’: Jesus as God’s Chosen Representative35
Appendix 5 - Understanding Leadership as Representation: The Six Stages of Formal Proxy35
Appendix 6 - Leader/Follower Representations37
Appendix 7 - Investment, Empowerment, and Assessment37
Appendix 8 - Fit to Represent: Multiplying Disciples of the Kingdom of God39
Appendix 9 - Responsibility Versus Resourcing in Representation39
Appendix 10 - Becoming Like Your Teacher41
Appendix 11 - Steps to Equipping Others57
Appendix 12 - From Seeker to Sensei: Developing Effective Movement Apprenticeships59
Appendix 13 - A Sociology of Urban Leadership Development63
Appendix 14 - Retooling for Maximum Contribution to Fulfill Our Vision63
Appendix 15 - The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots65
Appendix 16 - Handing Down the Apostolic Deposit65
Appendix 17 - Christus Victor67
Appendix 18 - The Theology of Christus Victor67
Appendix 19 - Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future69
Appendix 20 - Ethics of the New Testament69
Appendix 21 - A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future71
Appendix 22 - Rapid Church Multiplication75
Appendix 23 - Understanding and Practice of Church Planting Movement Principles77
Appendix 24 - The Threefold Cord of Urban Cross-Cultural Church Planting Movements77
Appendix 25 - World Impact’s Church Planting Schema and the Pauline Cycle79
Appendix 26 - The Interaction of Class, Culture, and Race79
Appendix 27 - The Complexity of Difference: Race, Culture, Class81
Appendix 28 - Targeting Unreached Groups in Churched Neighborhoods81
Appendix 29 - Ten Key Cross-Cultural Church Planting Principles83
Appendix 30 - Resourcing the Great Commission83
Appendix 31 - Getting a Good Team Rhythm: Time Management and Ministry Stewardship85
Appendix 32 - Theological Diversity90
Appendix 33 - Translation Partnership Agreement SAMPLE93

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