Generating Kingdom Momentum

A ppendix • 33

IV. Adopt the Demeanor of Your Representation as an Evangel Dean Catalyst

Representing God: Living as an Emissary of the Most High , continued

A. Recognize your place as an agent of the Lord : affirm the significance of understanding leadership as representation.

1. Jesus was a representative of the Father who fulfilled with perfect obedience and flawless accuracy precisely what the Father wanted him to do, Phil. 2.5-8.

2. Jesus appointed the apostles as representatives of himself , even as he was a representative of the Father, John 20.

3. You are now a part of the sacred tapestry of leadership as representation : the authority of the risen Lord continues to be dispensed among the members of the church for his purposes, Eph. 1.19-23.

B. Adjust your persona when you are acting as a Dean Catalyst (match your demeanor with your designation).

1. Get your pretense on! Do not be colloquial or causal about your acceptance as a Dean Catalyst; you will be formally acknowledged, formally accepted, formally commissioned, and formally assigned your place 2. Embrace your identity as a representative of the Church, as a minister of your own movement, and an agent of Evangel . During that assignment, you are called to represent both the Gospel and our network now in all you do (your words, disposition, attitude, communication, etc.) 3. Commit to excellence in knowing the principles, policies, and protocols of the Evangel Dean process . Your representation will be no better than your informed, committed, and focused application of the Evangel vision and direction.

a. You are now called to represent the Kingdom of God as an apostle of the Lord for global missions.

b. You are an agent of the Gospel for leveraging multiplying laborers aggressively in the most unreached peoples and communities we know of (with all the privileges, responsibilities, and stigmas associated with it thereto!)

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