Generating Kingdom Momentum

60 • G enerating K ingdom M omentum

From Seeker to Sensei: Developing Effective Movement Apprenticeships , continued

B. Why apprenticeships work among movements among the poor

1. They are organic : receiving protection, care, and training from another.

2. They are affordable : they require presence not funds.

3. They are transparent : you learn on the job in the presence of a valid leader.

4. They are reliable : authority is given after verified loyalty and service.

5. They are reproducible : once a system of apprenticeship is begun, it can be replicated indefinitely.

C. The biblical blueprint of a worthy apprenticeship

1. The call of God : a publicly acknowledged and confirmed call

2. The character of Christ : proven character in the midst of lived life

3. The charisma of the Holy Spirit : anointing and gifting in the Church

4. The connection to the Church community : compelling testimony within and among the people of the body

II. The Process of Apprenticeships: From Seeker to Sensei ( Steps to Equipping Others )

A. Join the movement and commit to represent its identity, purpose, and mission.

B. Distinguish yourself in the movement as a champion of faithfulness of service.

C. Receive apprentices for future representation and authority in the movement.

D. Instruct and model movement representation task in the presence of and accompanied by the apprentices.

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