Generating Kingdom Momentum

A ppendix • 87

III. Appraise Your Resources (Situational Analysis) A. What is the level of our commitment and burden to this need? B. Who is currently working on these problems or available to work (people and personnel)? C. What facilities, equipment, and materials do we have? D. What kind of budget and monies do we currently have? E. What training or preparation do we offer? F. What factors help (opportunities) or hinder (threats) us in seeking to address these needs? IV. Formulate Goals to Meet Needs A. Set a planning cycle (six months to one year is recommended). B. State your goals in terms of one clear statement and idea (clarity). C. Make certain that your goals are able to be done (feasibility). D. State your goals in terms of end results: how much and how many (Specificity). 1. How many (number)? 2. How well done (quality)? 3. How much (quantity)? E. Determine how long or what date you expect these to take place. V. Establish Clear Priorities A. Does this goal relate to our ultimate purposes and objectives? B. Of all possible goals, which are most important to us now? C. Of the important goals, which ones must be done immediately? D. Of the important goals, which ones should be done sometime soon? E. Which goals ought to be postponed for later consideration?

Getting a Good Team Rhythm: Time Management and Ministry Stewardship , continued

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