Get Up and Go

DIY, Christian Style: Be a Fool for Christ / 37

• “Your ideas about this are silly; no one is going to support you in this.”

• “Even if your idea is worthwhile, you’re not the one to try to do it. You will mess this up, the same way you’ve messed everything else up.” These and other devastating attacks are part and parcel of anyone seeking to venture into new arenas for Christ. The enemy is ruthless in his persistent lies, doubts, and arguments waged against all who seek to experiment and innovate for the cause of Christ (John 8.44; 2 Cor. 10.3-6; 1 Pet. 5.8-9). All who seek to attempt great things for God will suffer the belligerent attacks of him who is called the “accuser of the brethren” (Rev. 12.9). We silence his lying accusations only when we strive with all our might to do God’s will, regardless of what others may think, say, or however they may protest. Daniel’s excellent summary challenges me to see if I am truly exercising my freedom in Christ to attempt great things for God, on behalf of others, especially those people who have been most neglected, overlooked, and misrepresented. It inspires me to “get up and go,” to quit making

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