God the Father, Mentor's Guide, MG06

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picture of God the Father Almighty. We understand this key doctrine of Scripture only when we examine the relationship between God’s goodness and his severity. No tension exists between God’s love and his wrath, for he is the one true God, always acting everywhere and in all things in perfect harmony with his love and justice, his grace and truth. If you are interested in pursuing some of the ideas of the goodness and wrath of God the Father, you might want to give these books a try: Muncy, John. Whatever Happened to the Wrath of God? Library, PA: Ethnos Press, 1996. Yancey, Philip. What’s so Amazing about Grace? Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002. Now it is time to relate the insights of your module to your ministry project, the letter that you will be writing either to an actual or an imaginary friend. To apply Scripture we must have a knowledge of the specific context and need we are seeking to address. This particular ministry project has been designed for you to think carefully and critically on just how you might apply the truths of this module to someone who needs to hear in a persuasive and clear manner the good news of God’s offer in Jesus Christ. Your mentor by now has covered the details of the project with you, and now it is time for you to apply your insights in this creative work. Remember, the goal of all learning is to grow in such a way that God, the Holy Spirit, may first of all apply those truths to your own life, and then use that learning through you as you equip, counsel, train, and encourage others. The ministry projects are designed to help you creatively apply the fruit of the Scriptures to your own life and ministry. As you work on your project, pray and ask the Lord to give you insight as you complete your work and share your insights with others. In this final session, ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and help you identify if there are any persons, situations, or opportunities that need to be prayed for as a result of your studies in this lesson, or beyond that, even in this module. Listen carefully to the Lord here; the Word of the Lord is always accompanied by the Spirit’s leadings and promptings. What particular issues or people arise from this

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