God the Father, Mentor's Guide, MG06

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Your Kingdom Come: “The Story of God’s Glory” (continued)

E. God’s call to salvation and ministry involves proclamation of the message of the Kingdom through preaching, teaching, and discipling in order that others may enter and make disciples of the Kingdom. 1. To preach the good news of the Kingdom with those who do not know God, its inauguration in the Son of God and its enjoyment and demonstration in the Church, Acts 2.1-18 2. To teach and disciple the faithful in the words of Jesus so that they may be his disciples and mature as members of his body, John 8.31-32; 1 Pet. 2.2; 2 Tim. 3.16-17 3. To equip those who are members of Christ’s body to do the work of the ministry in order that the Church may grow numerically and spiritually, Eph. 4.9-15 4. Offer unending praise and worship to our Lord Jesus, who invaded Satan’s dominion and crushed his malicious insurrection in God’s universe 5. Resolve to embody, express, and proclaim Christ’s present and coming reign until he comes Am I ready and willing to preach the Word of the Kingdom in and out of season in order that the lost may be saved, the saved may mature, and the mature may multiply the fruit of the Kingdom of God?

The Bottom Line: Are you willing to suffer for the message of the Kingdom regarding Messiah Yeshua? (See Suffering, the Cost of Discipleship and Servant-Leadership Appendix)

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