God the Father, Mentor's Guide, MG06
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There can only be one God, one true and living Creator of the ends of the earth. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, YHWH, the Father Almighty is this true Lord. Singular, unique, and magnificent, and now, our God by faith in Jesus Christ.
In reviewing the quizzes with the students always focus on the main concepts that the questions were aiming to uncover. Beware of the tendency for students to want to rehash the quiz, arguing for their points or calling into question the validity of the very question itself. What is critical to know is that the quizzes are an instrument of review . The truths are the issue, and if they master the truths they will certainly know the answers. As simple as this may seem, it is an idea that is oftentimes lost on students. These contacts focus on the idea of God’s presence and control of situations and issues that fly out of control. If there is one constancy about the nature of urban life and ministry it is that there is no such thing as constancy . Many urbanites live in situations where they are constantly in danger, experiencing unjust and oftentimes horrendous things, with no sign that anyone cares or is even aware of their pain. To study the subject of the providence of God among urban people is to ask the questions of theodicy , an idea of why do horrific things happen to good people. Explore with the students the ideas of God’s providence as a lead in to investigating some of the biblical evidence on the subject. Your intent during this section is to ensure that the students understand the general outline of the teaching of Scripture regarding the providence of God as was covered in the first video segment. In some ways the difficulty to comprehend the sovereign providence of the Father is normal for us; how can any mind come to understand God’s ultimate intention to bring the entire creation under his sway, to fulfill his own high purpose for creation, which is nothing less than the establishment of his kingdom rule throughout the entire universe (Eph. 1.9-11; Col. 1.19-20).
3 Page 45 Quiz
4 Page 46 Contact
5 Page 53 Student Questions and Response
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