God the Father, Mentor's Guide, MG06

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or known without his sovereign choice to reveal himself to others. The attributes of God refer to the traits of the entire Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may be classified in terms of his greatness and his goodness . The attributes of his greatness include his spirituality, life, personality, infinity, and constancy, while those of his goodness include his moral purity, integrity, and love.

If you are interested in pursuing some of the ideas of Prolegomena: The Doctrine of God and the Advance of the Kingdom , you might want to give these books a try:

Resources and Bibliographies

Evans, William. The Great Doctrines of the Bible . Chicago: Moody Press, 1976.

Schaeffer, Francis A. The God Who is There . Chicago: InterVarsity Press, 1968.


Stone, Nathan J. Names of God . Chicago: Moody Press, 1993.

Now is the time for you to think practically about the meaning of these truths for your own personal life and ministry. Concentrate on your own life situation today, and think about the way in which the Holy Spirit might want you to relate these truths regarding the nature and being of God to what you are doing right now. James’ promise in James 1.22-25 is that the special blessing comes to those who are not merely hearers of the Word of God but doers of it. Think about what in particular the Holy Spirit is suggesting to you to concentrate upon this week in regards to God’s general and special revelation, his immanence and transcendence, and the meaning of these great truths for what God is calling you to do today? What particular person, event, or situation comes to mind for your own consideration and application when you think about these truths on the doctrine of God? Is there an area in your life and ministry that calls for your present application of these truths now? If so, what does God want you to do in regards to these areas? Are you ministering to someone who especially needs to understand and apply the teaching of the Word of God to these areas in their life? How will you introduce the teaching to them? When is the best time or circumstance to share your insights with them?

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