God the Father, Mentor's Guide, MG06

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dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. The term sui generis (pronounced SUE-ee gin-air-us) is a Latin phrase meaning, “one of a kind” or “one of a class of things.” It is shorthand for meaning “the only one of its kind.” This is a wonderful way to describe the infinitely lovely God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. One of the most important truths for the man or woman of God is the concept of God as a God of sovereign providence, a being who works all things according to the pleasure of his own will. This truth, that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus is a God of sovereign purpose, lies at the center of all other doctrines and commands of Scripture. As the true God, the Maker and Creator of all things, Yahweh can do what he wills with whomever he desires for whatever reasons are acceptable to him. Regardless of how terrible the situation appears, how drastic the need is, how tragic the circumstances look, he is the God of Abraham, the God of our Lord Jesus, the same One who raises the dead and transforms all of life to conform to his own high will and purpose. The unqualified testimony of the Bible is that the God of Scripture did not create the universe and then walk away from it, for it to unravel in any way it wishes. Although he has permitted evil to exist for a time, he set in motion from the beginning a plan to redeem his creation through his Son Messiah Jesus. Now that his Son has accomplished his redemption, he has determined at a time of his own choosing a moment, a season in which all things will be brought back under his sovereign rule forever. Furthermore, he has determined to accomplish all of this through the One who is the blessed and only Sovereign, King Jesus, the Lord of lords and King of kings. As Paul suggests to Timothy in our text above, only our Sovereign Lord Jesus dwells in that light of his Father, the true God, the only one who has immortality, who dwells in the unapproachable, blinding light of pure divine spirit, whom no human being has seen or can see. Our God is the true God, the sovereign Maker of the universe, who is working all things according to his own wisdom and power. His will can be resisted but never overwhelmed or thwarted. He created all things, sustains all, and will consummate all for his own sake. He preserves all things, governs all things, and will lead all things to his own appointed end, and nothing and no one can stop him from accomplishing his purpose. He is God! Because this great God is our God, we ought to give him his due, as Paul says, “to him be honor and eternal dominion, Amen!” Only worship and unconditional surrender to God are worthy gifts to a God so majestic and high. Let us make this


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