God the Father, Mentor's Guide, MG06
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5. What is the single purpose of all things in the universe? What is God’s intent for creation at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? 6. Is God the author of evil and tragedy in the world? If God is not the author of evil, then why does he permit it? 7. How can human beings be responsible for their actions if God is truly the governor of all things in heaven and earth? What is the nature of God’s purpose to human free will? 8. How does the doctrine of God’s preservation and governance answer the error of pantheism ? How does it answer deistic claims that God is not present and active in the affairs of creation? How does the fact that God preserves and governs all things answer the errors of fatalism and determinism ? This lesson highlights God as the God of providence, the sovereign Lord who is the source and Sustainer of all things, preserving and governing all things in his wisdom. All things exist by virtue of his will as Maker of all, and all things will bring glory to his name, which is the single unifying intention behind all life everywhere. That God possesses supreme authority and providence is shown over all creation and history. The “providence of God” refers to the fact that “God works out his sovereign will in the universe whereby all events are disposed by him to fulfill his purposes for himself and his creation for good.” The Scriptures teach that the Father Almighty is Sovereign over all, the Source of all, and the Sustainer of all through his Son, Jesus Christ. All things are disposed to sync up with his will for himself, so he can receive glory for all things. God expresses his sovereign providence over all through his preservation and governance of all things. “Preservation” refers to the fact that all things exist and hold together by virtue of God’s sovereign care and provision, and “governance” refers to the truth that God is sovereign over the entire universe, possessing all authority to do with creation whatever he purposes.
Summary of Key Concepts
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