God the Father, Student Workbook, SW06

Introduction to the Module9
Course Requirements11
Lesson 1 - Prolegomena: The Doctrine of God and the Advance of the Kingdom17
Content: Segment 120
Content: Segment 228
Lesson 2 - God as the Creator: The Providence of God47
Content: Segment 151
Content: Segment 258
Lesson 3 - The Triune God: The Greatness of God77
Content: Segment 181
Content: Segment 293
Lesson 4 - God as Father: The Goodness of God113
Content: Segment 1117
Content: Segment 2133
Appendix 1 - The Nicene Creed151
Appendix 2 - We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed152
Appendix 3 - The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots153
Appendix 4 - The Theology of Christus Victor154
Appendix 5 - Christus Victor155
Appendix 6 - Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom156
Appendix 7 - Summary Outline of the Scriptures157
Appendix 8 - From Before to Beyond Time159
Appendix 9 - “There Is a River”161
Appendix 10 - A Schematic for a Theology of the Kingdom and the Church162
Appendix 11 - Living in the Already and the Not Yet Kingdom163
Appendix 12 - Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future164
Appendix 13 - Traditions165
Appendix 14 - The Names of Almighty God173
Appendix 15 - Theological Visions and Approaches177
Appendix 16 - A Theology of the Church in Kingdom Perspective182
Appendix 17 - Apostolicity183
Appendix 18 - From Deep Ignorance to Credible Witness184
Appendix 19 - Picking Up on Different Wavelengths185
Appendix 20 - The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost189
Appendix 21 - The Picture and the Drama191
Appendix 22 - The Self-Consciousness of Jesus Christ192
Appendix 23 - The Shadow and the Substance193
Appendix 24 - Theories of Inspiration194
Appendix 25 - Toward a Hermeneutic of Critical Engagement195
Appendix 26 - Editorial196
Appendix 27 - When “Christian” Does Not Translate200
Appendix 28 - Pursuing Faith, Not Religion202
Appendix 29 - Contextualization Among Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists206
Appendix 30 - A People Reborn212
Appendix 31 - Missions in the 21st Century216
Appendix 32 - Giving Glory to God218
Appendix 33 - Your Kingdom Come: “The Story of God’s Glory”227
Appendix 34 - God’s Three-In-Oneness: The Trinity241
Appendix 35 - God’s Sovereignty and Universal Revelation249
Appendix 36 - Substitution255
Appendix 37 - Suffering: The Cost of Discipleship andServant-Leadership256
Appendix 38 - Documenting Your Work257

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