God the Father, Student Workbook, SW06
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things visible and invisible.” This is an affirmation of a truth that is asserted everywhere in Scripture: God’s existence is seen plainly in the splendor of his universe and creation. While our society is fond of talking about whether or not God exists, that is, if there really is a God in heaven, the Bible engages in no such debate. On the contrary, God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men because what can be known of God is denied by them. God’s invisible attributes , those qualities which human beings cannot see with the naked eye, his eternal power and divine nature, are clearly perceived according to Paul ever since the creation of the world . The things that our great God has made, the sun and moon, the stars in their glory, and the earth in its magnificence, all show that not only is God real, but he also is a being of omnipotence (all power) and glory. How can anyone behold birds on the wing, hear a newborn baby’s cry, see a herd of cattle grazing on a spectacular green carpet meadow under a bright, shining sky and say that there is no God? How can anyone feel the crisp wind of a winter’s night on their face, see the moon hanging in sleepy elegance on a pitch black spring night, or see a horse in full stride and really believe that there is no intelligent mind behind the glorious beauty of the earth? Dear friend, the most persuasive argument for the existence of God is not doctrinal, it is physical. Ps. 19.1-3 - “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. [2] Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. [3] There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.” The clear word of Scripture is moving: the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Enough is spoken in God’s creation that any reasonable person must admit that there is a divine being behind this glory. The problem of the atheist and the skeptic is not that there is insufficient evidence, but that their own hearts are hard. There’s proof enough to repent; the skeptic is therefore without excuse for not coming to Messiah.
After reciting and/or singing the Nicene Creed (located in the Appendix), pray the following prayers:
Nicene Creed and Prayer
O God, your immensity fills the earth and the whole universe, but the universe itself cannot contain you, much less the earth, and still less the world of my thoughts.
~ Yves Raguin, SJ. Appleton, George, ed. The Oxford Book of Prayer . Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. p. 4
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