God the Father, Student Workbook, SW06
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The heart of this lesson is that God is both present and active as well as infinite and transcendent. He reveals himself to all people through his glorious creation, and yet, he personally reveals his own heart and person to all who repent and believe in Messiah Jesus. Seek the Lord for his strength and wisdom to live true to what you know and believe about God, and ask for his aid in helping you communicate with greater clarity and boldness the truth concerning God’s glorious attributes and person. Solicit support from your leaders and Mentor in any area that God may be speaking to you, and ask God for the filling of the Spirit so you can promptly obey all that God is asking you to do as a result of his teaching to your heart and mind this week.
Counseling and Prayer
Psalm 19.1-3
Scripture Memory
To prepare for class, please visit www.tumi.org/books to find next week’s reading assignment, or ask your mentor.
Reading Assignment
Dear student, remember that you will be quizzed on the content (the video content) of this lesson next week. Please be sure to you spend plenty of time this next week reviewing your notes, especially those which focus on the key concepts and main ideas of the lesson. Also, please read the assigned pages listed above, and summarize each reading with no more than a paragraph or two for each. Make it your aim in this summary to give your best understanding of what you think the main point was in each reading. Do not be overly concerned about providing lots of detailed summary; simply write out what you consider to be the main point discussed in that section of the book . Please bring these summaries to class next week. (Please see the Reading Completion Sheet at the end of this lesson.)
Other Assignments
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