God the Holy Spirit, Mentor's Guide, MG14

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fragment, gives Genesis 1.2 an eschatological reapplication: the Spirit will hover ov er the saints in the latter days. So the dove at baptism seemingly means that Jesus brings a new creation.

~ Leland Ryken, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, Gen. ed. “Dove.” Dictionary of Biblical Imagery . Downers Grove, IL/Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 1998. p. 217.

Help the students to see that the entire ministry of the Holy Spirit has an ultimate goal and purpose. The goal of God is a new heavens and a new earth, inhabited by a new humanity (the Church), and united in perfect harmony under the rule of Christ. The Spirit is not just sustaining the present world but is actively working to accomplish God’s ultimate purpose of a new creation. Listed below are the fundamental truths written in sentence form which the students should have received from this lesson, that is, from the videos and your guided discussion with them. Make sure that these concepts are clearly defined and carefully considered, for their quiz work and exams will be taken from these items directly. In helping your students think through their own situations, you might want to design some questions or use those provided below as water to “prime the pump” of their interests, so to speak. What is significant here is not the questions written below, but for you, in conversation with your students, to settle on a cadre of issues, concerns, questions, and ideas that flow directly from their experience, and relate to their lives and ministries. Do not hesitate to spend the majority of time on some question that arose from the video, or a special concern that is especially relevant in their ministry context right now. The goal of this section is for you to enable them to think critically and theologically in regards to their own lives and ministry

25 Page 39 Conclusion

26 Page 40 Summary of Key Concepts

27 Page 41 Student Application and Implications

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