God the Holy Spirit, Mentor's Guide, MG14
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The following questions were designed to help you review the material in the second video segment. They focus on the Spirit’s identity as one who gives life. Be clear and concise in your answers, and where possible, support with Scripture! 1. How are the Old and New Testament ideas about the Spirit of God alike? How are they different? 2. What is the Spirit’s role in creation? What does this suggest about his role in the salvation of believers (new creation)? 3. What is providence? What part does the Spirit play in God’s care of the world? 4. What are the key symbols of the Holy Spirit in Scripture? How do these contribute to our understanding of the Spirit as the one who gives life? 5. What are biblical titles of the Holy Spirit that emphasize his life-giving ministry?
Segue 2
Student Questions and Response
6. How does the ministry of the Spirit bring hope to all believers?
This lesson focuses upon the person of the Holy Spirit. In it we discussed the following ideas:
Summary of Key Concepts
The Holy Spirit is the Third person of the one Trinitarian God.
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Like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is a Divine person who relates to God’s people in personal ways (speaking, acting, guiding, teaching, etc.). In the same way that Jesus came alongside his disciples during his earthly ministry, the Holy Spirit now comes alongside all Christians, teaching, guiding, and protecting them on Jesus’ behalf. The Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. He is the full expression of their love and the one who is sent into the world as a gift of love. Jesus commands his followers to baptize God’s people in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Apostles address and bless God’s people in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The heavenly creatures in God’s throne room worship him in Triune address,
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