God the Holy Spirit, Mentor's Guide, MG14

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(b) Repentance is an action that occurs because we believe that what God says about us and about our condition is true. Believing what God says causes us to “change our mind” and “turn around.” Therefore the changes in behavior which flow from repentance are technically, “the fruits of repentance” rather than repentance itself.

(2) True faith always produces good works.

Repentance, then, is a result of faith. For unless a man believes that to which he was addicted to be sin, he will not abandon it. And he must believe that punish- ment looms over the transgressor. . . . Otherwise, he will not reform. ~ Clement of Alexandria (c. 195) From first to last the good news of the Gospel is that repentance and change of life is not accomplished by human effort. It is while we were still sinners that Christ died for us. And it is while we are spiritually blind to our own sinful condition that the Holy Spirit graciously comes to us to convict us of sin and to give us the gift of true repentance and faith.

(a) James 2.17

(b) The faith that produces repentance and the change of life that results from this faith are deeply interconnected. To speak about repentance without also speaking about a changed life is like trying to talk about fire without smoke or heat. Although smoke and heat are simply the results of fire, not fire itself, they are still the surest way to know that something is burning. Likewise, seeing the “fruits of repentance” is the surest way to know that a true change of mind about sin has occurred.


d. The person with a changed will has a genuine desire to repair the damage done by past sins, Luke 19.5-9.

e. The fundamental change of will that take place during true repentance is not accomplished by human resolve, but is a direct result of the activity of the Holy Spirit. (1) The presence of God’s Spirit sustains the human spirit in obedience, Ps. 51.11-12. (2) The Spirit enables a person to put to death the misdeeds of the body, Rom. 8.13. (3) The Holy Spirit within a person enables them to obey God, Ezek. 36.27.

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